KOSMOS 694036 – EXIT – The Game, The Creepy Villa

The player are available in a villa invited to come. However, after your arrivals make safe, that has become a part of macabre game are locked up safe and sound. And don’t have much time to solve the puzzle, to stand out from the Villa to fliehen. “EXIT at the game, the game experience with a little matching, team spirit and creativity and are applied after more belongings, cracking codes, solve puzzles and of Liberty piece for home look ultra chic. You will also need a really unusual way Beschritten. So that they may be torn or the material bent, labelled. Once the secret is is gelüftet, can be played the event game no two ever the times. This makes even the bend a special highlight. Live escape feeling in advanced level. For 1 – 4 players aged 12 and over.