The author has worked from home for 17 years – a journey that’s gone from very small and humble beginnings to running a nationwide software company; from “fresh out-of-the-corporate-cage” to a solo entrepreneur, from being a minion to being the boss, from near failures to massive successes and from the lows of extreme frustration to the highs of wonderful empowerment.
This book is not my journey as such but a collection of hints, tips, ideas and advice collected from experience, trial and error and taking the time to ponder and dream. It is about setting up and operating a successful home office and business.
If you are planning to work from home full-time or part-time, either starting from scratch or already working from home, you will find practical advice from planning a functional work space for day-to-day operations to ideas about prioritizing and scheduling activities to assist with your productivity and business profitability. It does not attempt to help you decide whether to work from home or start a home business although reading it might provide insight into what’s involved.